Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why England Will Never Win The World Cup... Part 2

Have you ever noticed how the most succesful footballing nations are never the richest? How the greatest players all appear to come from the poorest of backgrounds. The streets of Brazil, Argentina, Italy and Spain are the home to the future of football. Why?

Poverty seems to breed great footballers. Could it be because the rich kids are all at home on their Xbox? The kids of the streets have very little that they can do to pass the time. They can't afford the toy and games that are so common and easy to come by in well-off countries like England. But one thing they can do is play soccer. So they do. A lot. And when you play that much football you get very, very good.

Football also forms a dream for these poor children. There futures aren't very bright. They don't have an education, money or many job opportunities. How would you like to look forward to a future of hunger, long hard hours and very little pay. So they dream. Dream of pulling on the yellow shirt of Brazil or the light blue of Argentina or of playing in the Premiership or in La Liga. It drives them and every so often they succeed.

But this situation doesn't exist in England. Life is too easy for football.

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