Monday, May 11, 2009

Play like a Brazilian!!

Have you ever wondered why Brazilians all seem to have an inane talent for football? How come they're the best.

Well I did.

Their bodies seem to be perfectly matched to the game, as if every Brazilian grows up to be a footballer. It must be in their culture.

One part of every South Americans make up is their ability to dance. Dancing is something that they grow up doing. It's part of them. And the thing about dancing is that it's not that far removed from football. It builds up strong leg muscles and grants you a certain balance and grace. The sort of balance and grace that is displayed by Kaka and Messi every other Wednesday night.

Or maybe it's in their climate. Think of all the Brazilians that enjoy a game of football on the beach. All that running around on the sand must get tiring, but even still, there are thousands that play every day. Eventually they'll grow incredibly powerful legs.
Like...say...Roberto Carlos?

And what about the soaring temperatures? They must have an effect! They do. The heat very simply slows down the sport. Nobody going to kill themselves running in 37 degrees celsius, are they? It's a calm and controlled art rather than a rip-roaring English brawl. They play football the way it was meant to be played. They keep the ball.
Maybe I've found their secret.
They live in a really hot country......

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Why England Will Never Win The World Cup... Part 2

Have you ever noticed how the most succesful footballing nations are never the richest? How the greatest players all appear to come from the poorest of backgrounds. The streets of Brazil, Argentina, Italy and Spain are the home to the future of football. Why?

Poverty seems to breed great footballers. Could it be because the rich kids are all at home on their Xbox? The kids of the streets have very little that they can do to pass the time. They can't afford the toy and games that are so common and easy to come by in well-off countries like England. But one thing they can do is play soccer. So they do. A lot. And when you play that much football you get very, very good.

Football also forms a dream for these poor children. There futures aren't very bright. They don't have an education, money or many job opportunities. How would you like to look forward to a future of hunger, long hard hours and very little pay. So they dream. Dream of pulling on the yellow shirt of Brazil or the light blue of Argentina or of playing in the Premiership or in La Liga. It drives them and every so often they succeed.

But this situation doesn't exist in England. Life is too easy for football.

10 Premiership Goals

Not how only 2 of the 10 goals are scored by Englishmen!! (Read: Why England Will Never Win The World Cup)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why England Will Never Win The World Cup... Part 1

Football is ruled by money. Money is what makes the ball roll round. So where where have all the the greatest players in the world emigrated to? Where the money is. The Premiership. Talented South Americans, Europeans and Asians all congregating in the one place.

So you'd think this would be good for the English game - They've got all the best players! There have been three English teams in the Champions League for two consequetive years. And while all these fantastic players are dominating Europe and the world, they are actively challenging the future of English players. Every year the quantity of English players in the Big Four (Man United, Liverpool, Arsenal and my personal favorites, Chelsea) drops significantly.

English players haven't a hope of getting in a decent squad. Haven't a hope of improving. Haven't a hope of winning the World Cup.....

Comments Please!!!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Why England Will Never Win The World Cup...

English football fans worldwide are still searching for the answer to a question that has plagued them for years. Exactly 43 years. Why can't they win the World Cup, even when their league is recognised as the best in the world.

Isn't it the golden era of English Football??


It's the golden era of the Premiership! The power map in terms of club soccer is entirely different to that of the international game. Italy, Brazil and France. They are the last three world cup winners. But the strongest club leagues are in Spain and England. Surely that doesn't make sense??

Yes it does.
In this two part post I will look into the factors that create this incredible unequality. In part one I will examine how money rules the football industry and then in part two I will look at how poverty can affect the quality of football in a country.

Follow my blog and all shall be revealed!